Welcome! Thank you for stopping by!

Welcome back! We are grateful for your continued patronage and look forward to serving you again with the service you deserve from the Peace Team you trust ☮

The IRS will not be accepting e-filed returns until the end of January – date to be determined by the IRS and updated here once known. 

For this upcoming tax season, we will be having in-person appointments as well as drop offs to be prepared and ready to pick up once completed. 

Office hours: Mon – Fri 9 am – 5 pm, Sat 9 am – 4 pm during tax season beginning January 27, 2025, to April 15th, closed on Sundays.

We will close from 4/16 – 4/30 and will reopen Thursday 5/1 with non-tax season hours May through December, & first 3 weeks of January: Tues – Wed – Thurs 10 am – 4 pm.

Note: If you are new to our office this year, please include a copy of your prior year 2023 return with your information.

For all and for those who do not want to come in person, you have a few options:

  • As always, we will still accept drop offs to the office or through the mail slot in the East back door
  • You can mail in your data to the address below
  • Share your data with us via secure document sharing via our online Portal. If you have used this service before, your log in information is the same. If not, please call the office with your name and preferred email address to request an activation email be sent to you. You will then be able to message us and share documents securely thus replacing unsecure email or fax.

Need more time to file? If you know you will need an extension, federal and IL extension forms will be available at the office to pick up paper copies (links shared below to print off) to mail postmarked by 4/15/2025 for a 6-month filing extension to 10/15/2025. FYI: the extension only gives more time to file, not to pay. If you have a balance due or expect to owe, you will need to send $ with the extension forms to avoid a late payment penalty, as payments are due by the 4/15 filing date (IL also.) IL extension is automatic if filing for a federal extension. The IL extension form is ONLY needed if mailing in a payment to offset potential tax due.

Form 4868 (irs.gov)

IL-505-I Automatic Extension Payment for Individuals Filing Form IL-1040 (illinois.gov)

We are always accepting “drop off” tax returns, if an in-person appt is not desired or needed.  Please print off a Tax Organizer or Drop off form from the Forms tab on the home page of the website or visit the office for a short drop-off form to complete, alerting us of any changes, as you drop off your data. You will be notified when your return is complete, followed by a short meeting to answer any questions, if desired. For mailed in data, please include your name, contact phone #, best times to reach you, and preferred preparer’s name on top of your data including either the Tax Organizer or Drop off form mentioned above noting any changes for 2024. If you are in no hurry, please let us know when you provide your data. We will contact you when they are ready to finalize questions and arrange for e-file signatures, payment and pick up.

I appreciate each and every one of you, and we will do our best to continue providing the same care and concern this year, and every year, that you know us for.

Peace ☮

Keep Calm and Accounting PEACE on!

Michelle & Staff
Accounting Peace Inc.
311 S Railroad Ave
Pekin, IL  61554

309-620-8295 office


Accounting Peace office

To find us at 311 S Railroad Ave. in Pekin, we are located at the south end of the train cars, between Washington and Broadway, on the corner of 3rd St and Broadway. Pull in the parking lot of Elmore Financial at 230 Broadway, hug the left side of the red brick building and drive behind it following the green train cars to the beige building attached at the last train car. We are the last door on the right, our sign Accounting Peace Inc is above the white door 🙂

   Taking in-person appts by calling the office. Drop offs accepted anytime during business hours or through mail slot in back white door

Evening appointments by request.

To share your data securely by remote call us to request an activation email to share via our online Portal – shelltax.securefilepro.com


Questions, please call the office (309) 620-8295

If no answer, you may leave a message, and your call will be returned asap

We look forward to serving your income tax & business needs.


We thank you for your continued patronage!! Peace!